Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to deal with clingy embarring dad?

Get rid of him? Ouch. If you don't like being around him, don't as much as possible. If you want him to change I suggest mentioning these things he does that bother you in as nice of a way as possible (Dad, you know I love you but sometimes the things you say...). Be good to him, maybe even try to help him. Perhaps it's been a really long time since he's went out and socialized on his own. He might not know how to act around your friends. Maybe you can give him some tips. Be careful though, you could hurt his feelings so you have to know what you can and can't say to him. In your situation I think you are going to have to talk about him if you are sort of forced to be around him. Maybe you can tell him that you want to have more private time with your friends? Or you can just get over it. Your dad is weird, so what? I like weird people, and your friends might too. He can still be a nice guy. If your friends are honestly mean towards him, well why are you choosing your friends over your dad? Is that what you want to do?

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