Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why do I have chest pains?

Hello, I had a bad fall when I was around 20, where I landed on my chest first from about 20 feet up. I had severe bruising of my chest and some internal bruising as well. Several years later, I woke up and my right arm was purple and very swollen and I was rushed to a hospital that told me I had blood clots that had attached to the vein and I would just have to live with my condition and that it would only get worse. Well, it has indeed gotten worse. Alot of my veins have seemed to shut down and now I have alot of swelling in both arms, but mainly my right arm. If I lay on my right side, alot of times I wake up with my left arm asleep. If I lay on my left side, my right arm is asleep and swollen for most of the day. The other day I was on my back and both arms were asleep some and swollen. I get alot of sharp pains also in my chest and my chest will be very tight and hard to breathe. The hospitals can't find anything wrong with me, but I KNOW something is wrong! Also, some veins are enlarged and very noticeable, even through my shirt. It looks similar to varicose veins. Could that be what it is?

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