Tuesday, August 9, 2011

IPhone SDK problem with apps crashing?

I downloaded the iPhone SDK so that i can make my own iPhone apps (i own an iTouch). So, im new at this, so try to not use so big and technical words in your answers! Anyway, so i made a basic app, and i wanted to try it on my iTouch. It worked fine in the iPhone simulator. (FYI, i am NOT signed up for the $99 a month thing) I put it onto my iTouch by going into "Window" and then "Organizer" and adding it, and it shows up on my springboard. But, when i tap to run the app on my iTouch, it comes up, and then immediately crashes. Whats going on? How can i fix this? Please help!! And remember, i may not know what you are talking about if you use technical terms and such (im using youtube tutorials to help write the code, so that shows a lot, haha :) )

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