Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is this normal behavior for an older brother?

Me and my older brother arent that close. We live in a typical strict asian family, my parents used to be abusive to us when we were little, but they kind of stopped. Anyways...today i was already a nervous reck since school starts tomorrow, i was preparing things all day. And Since im the youngest in the house i always have to obey my older brothers. I am a very stubborn girl so if i think something is unreasonable, i dont like to do it. I like to keep my pride most of the time. So all my brothers do is eat all day and tell me to wash all of their dishes, i just do that anyway because i have nothing else to do. But today there were just to many, and i thought "why do i have to pick up after them? my oldest brother tells me that i do nothing all day. I mean he doesnt watch me, he stays in his room or goes out all day." And so i told him "but they're not my dishes, they're yours and the other brothers" and then he gets really mad at starts yelling at me really loud, and he gets a wooden board and lifts it up, threatening to hit me with it. And he was serious, he has punched me in the stomach really hard before. And i started crying because i grew up being beaten by my mom and dad and seeing my brother about to hit me too was really scary, and so i was so frustrated and scared that i said "YOU'RE JUST LIKE DAD" and i ran for the phone, then he pushed me to the floor and grabbed the phone away...then he took the wooden board and smashed it into the table breaking it, NOT ONLY THAT he ORDERED me to clean it all up, along with the dishes, AND he took the trash and threw it at me telling me to clean it up. At this point i was just pissed, so i said "you ******* retard, you're just like dad" then i ran to my room crying....im just wondering, do older brothers usually do this? are they sometimes this mean? i know older siblings can be evil, but i dont know if this is like normal...

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