Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Was this a panic attack or something else....?

About a year ago when I was playing basketball I had an episode in which I couldn't breathe.(This occurred at the end of basketball season). After running for quite awhile, my mouth got dry and there was like a weight on my chest. My coach told me to stand up and tried to calm me down. I started crying (which of course didn't help the situation). It took about 8 min. (I think) for me to get under control. For about an hour after that, I still had some breathing problems and a heavy feeling on my chest. The thing is, I didn't panic until my breathing was labored. I was fine before that. I went to my doctor and he said it was probably a panic attack. He didn't seem to concerned. He blew me off. I told another doctor about it a few months later and he said it might be exercise induced asthma, but didn't look into it. Months later, I told an allergist and he gave me an inhaler, but didn't even let me finish telling him what happened. I'm a really slow runner and I can't easily keep up with others, but at the time this happened, I was in shape. Could you please tell me what happened and if you have any suggestions. I'm tired of being ignored at the doctor's office. I hate doctors and I don't want to go to a new one. Thanks.

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