Friday, August 12, 2011

How long will it take to get a settlement for work related injury?

I was injured at work while lifting a jet Ski out to a dealership because their forklift was broke. My work expected me to lift crazy amounts of wieght every day. After I got hurt, I let my boss know what happend. He begged me to keep working. After two days on the job, that night I coud'nt even get out of bed. After going through Workmans Comp and Back surgery I contacted a lawyer to handle my case. I am also seeking emotional and stress related injurys as well. The lawyer and I felt that I was worked over by my company. It has now been 8 months involved from injury to present.I have'nt heard from my lawyer in three months. I would just like to know the norm for such a mess and what I should expect in the future? I have healed good but still have pain. How much money will likley come my way? I am a student now and trying to become a nurse.

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