Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who has a better line up in the N.L. than the Mets? Here is your answer: Nobody!?

Nobody doubts how good there lineup is. But having a good pitching staff is worth so much. Luckily nobody in the NL East has a good pitching staff, so there will be a ton of high scoring wins for the Mets this year.

Plz plz plz limewire question?

im usin limewire and recently for some strange reason, i havnt been able to preview the songs im downlaoding or play any song that is already saved in the library, and also wen i click on the library on and it goes to the library, i click on a song then click the enqueue on and the song dosnt move into the box below and i also cant share files i know how to do it but it is havin none of it, iv been through all the settings and absolutely nothing is workin, plz plz plz sum 1 help it frustratin me now as iv tried everything xxxxxxxx

What if the Bulls, Heat, nor Celtics make it to the ECF?

Will you still watch the playoffs? Honestly, those are the best the East have and if all them get ousted the ratings for the Finals will blow!!!

Scratch pole that will trim toe nails?

I'm a fairly new cat owner. I have the standard scratch poles, but they don't seem to kelp in reducing the length of their nails. I've recently noticed them biting their nails occasionally and heard there was a new type scratch pad or pole that shortened the nails. If you happen to know about it, I'd appreciate your input.

Turkey hunting with a crossbow?

is a crosbow a good wepon for turkey i just figured if i had 1 of these and so did my buddie if a few gobblers cam out we could pop em without scaring the rest and bag them 2?

Any home remedy or cures for insomnia?

Here lately it doesn't seem to matter what time I goto bed I wake up somewhere between 1-3am. Like earlier I fell asleep between 11-11:30 and was awake again by 1am. Does anyone have a drug free remedy that will help me sleep soundly during the nite. I usually end up falling asleep again around 5-6 am. But this is really wearing me out. Im not sleeping straight through the nite and when I wake up im up for a while.

Birth control question???????

Is it true that the Depo Provera makes you gain weight and the Mariana IUD(sp) make help you lose weight?


well i wanna make it as old fashioned lol because im throwin a party at my house and my house is really old fashioned so i decided to make it as (((BACK to 70's party)))) lol and everyone has to come wearing old clothes from the 70's and im gonna put a smoke machine. im inviting 30 people so ANY IDEAS????

Are people misinformed or do they just not care about the facts?

Some people don't like facts as it would make them think and thinking would prove what they believe as wrong.

What is the Hero's Journey in King Lear?

Im having trouble seeing ''The Hero's Journey'' in King Lear, i was wondering if anyone else had any ideas? Please answer as soon as possible!

I am looking for a teen book?

When I was in middle school, I read a book about a girl who knew the Ancient Egyptian language and accidentally awoke an Egyptian prince from his sarcophagus in a museum. From what I remember, the book takes place in England. I just can't remember the name. Please help, if you can.

Three fish questions, gourami Q, dwarf puffer Q and random feederfish?

Ook so i have 2 questions and the first is what should i do with my feeder goldfish that i randomly bought? because i read online that they will eventually eat my guppies if they get too big hahaha yeah eppic fail :P Oh wait actually i have 3 questions, the 2nd question is if its normal for my gourami to be hiding in the back of my tank and getting attacked by one of my female guppies. 3rd question, why wont my dwarfs eat anything? well. I know they're supposed to get like blackworms, brine shrimp and what not but i have tons of lil snails in there for my 2 dwarfs but i'm worried taht they're not getting enough to eat... i've had then for a week about. Yeah. >8)

Why does my sister put up with? i need advice? 10 points best answer.?

My sister is 20 years old and live with me and my dad. Im 17. She has a son ( he lives with us to) by a complete loser ( lets call her bf gerald). So hes worthless. Hes out on bail for drugs and weapon possession. My sister worked her *** off to get him out on bail. Now shes a mess too. Gerald doesnt work (hes 21) , go to school or anything. He doesnt even have a place to live. He stay over his friends house. He calls my sister names and hits her. He calls me names too. My dad lets gerald drive his car and everything. So today he was abusing my sister again (my dad is 60 so he really cant fight a young man that looks like a big a sumo wrestler) and he had my dads keys in his pocket and my sister was scared so when he walked outside she locked the door on him but she didnt know he had the keys. She asked for them back and he said let me in b*tch. So my dad called the police. But he ran off with the keys. Now my dad has to take the bus to work. Not to mention the house key is on there so my sis is scared (if he was smart he would of just unlocked the door).my dad is kinda old and i had to calm him down because he was going to fight him. He just lost his wife of 25 years on feb 7 2011 (who is also my mom) and he has enough on his plate. He has high blood pressure and strokes run in his family. If i lose him idk what i would i do. Any suggestions? Anything will help. Thank u.

My dog is leaking?!?!?!?

i was actually going to suggest diapers, my mom had a cat that had the same problem and they literally put diapers on DumbDude (that was his name :P)

Power raising cubes hinted by Aldous?

When I talked to Aldous, he said, "If you can find more cubes, you can use them to bolster the power of your Spectrobes." How do I do this? Do I have to get one of every cube to do this, and then go back to Aldous? Or is there something else I need to do...?

Please Rate/Fix My Synchro Deck?

sweet deck maybe stronger 4 star monsters one of my favorite tuners is rose warrior of revenge shes a 4 star 1600atk monster THAT'S A TUNER!!!! oh and ill give it a 8/10

"hook the drive to another system and get your data off" how do i do this on armada compaq 1700?

you can get a little device for about 10-15 dollars at a local computer store. its pluges the drive in and you can hook it up to a pc using usb, thus expossing the drive as a secondary drive. you can get info off but note not programs. IE picts, music and test files. sorry its not ez but it can be done.

What is the standard Muslim view on acts of biuality?

Bearing in the mind, that some people believe we are all predisposed towards ity (Sigmund Freud), so perhaps nearly all humans have some biual thoughts. Is it a crime to be a , or just to act on the urges?

I had for the first time, now i have a UTI?

make sure you use the bathroom after , you need to get rid of as much bacteria as possible after and urination is the best way, if you do this it should minimise the number of UTI's you get although some people are just prone to getting them. If you have had a UTI before you should know that you need medication to kill the infection. Go and see your doctor.

Problems in getting job coming....need guidance pls.....details given?

You will not get job as per your qualification in IT field. But you will get permanent and even govt. jobs other than IT. Please try.

Have you had an unforgettable incident?

One incident i'll never forget, i used to be a heavy drinker and one day two like minded acquaintances, knowing of my prowess, picked me up from work and we hit the pubs. Very much later we ended up at one of my friends local, The Ship at Kennington, and got stuck into the Guinness's. All of a sudden my friend just started to sing. He stood there in the middle of the bar, with his pint pot dangling from his fingers and launched into The Londonderry Air (Danny Boy) .The whole pub went quiet except for one plaintive voice who said reverently "go on Francis", and so he did, and sang the most emotional rendition of Danny Boy i've ever heard. That moment will live with me for ever even though it was some 40 years ago.

Cats at Boarding Facility?

This is a bit complicated. I am fostering some kittens and the transport brought a few more than I could take care of in my house (20) so I took some advice and put 6 of the kittens in a boarding facility. Four of the six have been adopted but my issue is that the place is a dump. All the cats in the facility are waiting for homes through another cat rescue. I had brought a big box of wet cat food to feed my kittens and I came to check on them a couple days later and the box had not been opened. There are also kittens that are like 4-5 weeks old and she is only feeding them dry. I have to feed all the cats in the stupid boarding facility now because this lady is so horrible. I emailed the lady that is boarding the other cats there and not-suprsingly she has not responded to my concerns. I would have no problem reporting her but I am afraid the humane society would euthanize the cats that are sick. I really can't trust anyone at this point and I am going to take my remaining kittens home but I don't want to leave the other kittens stuck in that place where they are never let out of the cage and only eat dry food. Any rescuers out there that could give me some advice would be really helpful. I just don't want to see any cats hurt because of this.

Why does econonomic calamity always follow a prolonged period of deep tax cuts for the wealthy?

There is much more to the issue than your narrow ertion but YA is not the place that anyone is going to adequately solve them for you.

Worst beer in the world is _____?

I just answered a question about the top 5 beers in the world. Someone had made a comment about how he was glad not to see Coors light and Bud on the list. I don't like either but I have had beer that made coors look good. Black label comes to mind. What was the worst you have ever had?

Looking for something, i think it's called booktroll?

About two years back i was buying and selling books on, but i was also in this thing that i think was called booktroll, but i'm not sure. Okay, so, what i did was text the isbn of the book to this thing and it texted me back whether to get it or not. If i got it i would send ten books at a time to the company and they would pay me for the books via check. I can't remember the name of it but if anyone knows what it is or anything similar please let me know. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Period question (girls only plz!)?

O.k. Well usually you get your period the same time your mother did. But, you can get it from your grandmothers or sister siblings. And if your like me, having 1 sister have her period around 13 or 14 and my mom 15 and my other sister 9 it can vary. It also depends if your body is ready. If you already had discharge, that means your body is getting ready for a period. (A discharge is when a women cleans out her . It can be white and moist or white and dry. It can also by yellow and dry. If it is any other color tell a doctor). All girls bodies are different and sometimes your period doesn't have to be related to when your mother got her's.

Any good action adventure fantasy books ?

I'm looking something like Harry Potter, Daniel X, Lord of the rings...Not interested in R.A salvatore, other james patterson books. Not really into Tom Clancy, twilight, eragon, golden comp, inkheart. Preferably something with a male main character. Preferably a series too. Something with a little more substance, something a bit mature and not too childish...

Why hasn't the book I ordered Capture Arkansas" been delivered to me yet?

I ordered this book through a form in the newspaper arkansas democrat gazette for 39.95 on september 19, 2008 they held the book introduction on november 1, 2008 but I do not have my copy of this book and can not find anyone to ask about it

Why do I have chest pains?

Hello, I had a bad fall when I was around 20, where I landed on my chest first from about 20 feet up. I had severe bruising of my chest and some internal bruising as well. Several years later, I woke up and my right arm was purple and very swollen and I was rushed to a hospital that told me I had blood clots that had attached to the vein and I would just have to live with my condition and that it would only get worse. Well, it has indeed gotten worse. Alot of my veins have seemed to shut down and now I have alot of swelling in both arms, but mainly my right arm. If I lay on my right side, alot of times I wake up with my left arm asleep. If I lay on my left side, my right arm is asleep and swollen for most of the day. The other day I was on my back and both arms were asleep some and swollen. I get alot of sharp pains also in my chest and my chest will be very tight and hard to breathe. The hospitals can't find anything wrong with me, but I KNOW something is wrong! Also, some veins are enlarged and very noticeable, even through my shirt. It looks similar to varicose veins. Could that be what it is?

VMK Cheat Codes HELP ME!!?

I really want Invisability Magic or Teleportation magic For VMK But there are no codes for that! I hear there are cheat codes for Golden Mickey ears... Anything Rare Will Help PLEASE RESPOND!!!

If u had two teams which pair of QBs would u rather have leading them?

I would have to go with Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. This are two of the best quarterbacks this day and age and they both will be in the hall of fame if they keep putting up those incredible numbers.

How does an extreme introvert make friends?

I'm 28 y/o and never had a friend (much less a GF). To elaborate further I took the the Jung Typology test and tested INTJ. The I (for introverted) was 89%.

Help with name alternatives for triplets?

I caution you with naming your children with any name that you have a negative connotation ociated with it. I am a teacher and there are just some names that I would NEVER use because of past interactions with some individuals. An option is to put the names, Miles and Noah, as middle names or you may want to keep the same beginning sounds, Miles-Michael and Noah-Nolan.

Pooping too much?

I just turned 17 like two months ago. Like 3 or 4 months before I turned 17, I remember only pooping once every week, sometimes even once every two weeks. Now I have to go poop everyday? It's a god damn pain, waking up every day and then getting put up by thinking "Damnit, I'ma have to poop later today." I eat just the same as I did before, but I was put on Accutane, for my acne, sometime in the summer. I can't remember if pooping everyday started around the time I was put on the pill, but could that affect it? I'm also on some anxiety medicine, some retarded name, I don't know when I was put on that according to when I started having to poop everyday. Could those have to do with it? It's almost hard to believe. Like, it happened pretty fast, this change. Like over two weeks I remember thinking "this is wierd, I pooped already this week," and now I do already. Help, why am I pooping everyday? I don't want to...

I think I'm in love with my girlfriend's sister (10 points best answer please give your opinion!)?

First off you sound like a really sweet guy and I think you are being sincere, so don't let anybody make you feel shallow. I'm not really sure what ages we are talking about, but if the "girl friend" you have now feels that they need to mature before committing to a serious relationship she may just be nervous to get "intimate with you" This is completely normal for her because if you are the first guy who she has been attracted to in that way then she may be a little hesitant to fully committing to you. This may be why she is hanging around with other guys. She may be trying to feel comfortable with them so that when she is with you it doesn't feel awkward. In addition now that she knows you like her and you know she likes you it might make her feel awkward when talking to you. It's different when you both know your feeling, but haven't expressed them. For the whole sister thing don't be ashamed of talking to her and you should get to know her. It would be best though to establish once more your feelings with the other girl. Be straight forward and ask her if she still has feelings for you and if she doesn't then slowly progress your relationship with her sister, but don't quickly ume that her sister has feelings for you either. If you "girl friend" does say she likes you then confront her about how your feeling about what she is doing. I really hope i helped and things go good for you:)

Kundli Matching Help Required?

Why do not you generate free horoscope matching report from a href="" rel="nofollow"

Do you think my "prediction" will come true?

It' certainly possible, but the Angels backs are against the proverbial wall so they would still need to win 2 more--in NY--where the Yankees are tough. It'd be great to see the Angels pull it out!

In Goldenrod City (Pokemon Gold), the town is blocked by Team Rocket and I don't know how to get around them.?

The internet says to get the radiocard from inside the radio tower -- from the third person behind the counter -- but there's only one woman that says there are no tours. So I can't take the radio quiz thing, and I don't know how to get by this. >:

16 years old, 250lbs, 5'10 - Best diet plan?

Hey all, I'm 16 years old, 5'10 and weight 250lbs, i hate the way i look (body wise). Recently i've been doing 30 - 40 minutes exorcise on a treadmill for 5 - 6 days a week and about 2 - 3 late walks at night with the dogs (30 minutes a night). Few months back i weighted about 265lbs, which I've Lost 15lbs within those months (about 2- 3 months). Though, I've hardly changed my diet (cut out sweets, fizzy drinks). So what would be the best diet plan for me, and what would be an achievable target?

Want to get the real facts on climate change?

Well I'd like to go to the one in Sacramento, but I don't have $100 to spare right now. The second one is only partially about global warming, but I'll consider attending it. Thanks for the info.

What team are you on?--Twilight--TEAM EDWARD?

I amm deffinetly on team edward he is freaking amazing and soo nice and just perfect!... in the movie though I would bang emmett haha but Edward would be the first choice :):)

Where can I read books?

Where can I read The House Of Night Series for free? I really want to read Untamed. Where can I go to read it?

What do you think of this as a present for a 13-year old?

I'd love it. I know this sounds vain but at school and in every 13 year olds social life it revolves around material goods and brand names.

Now that Sen. McCain has said he is happy to have the support of Rev. Hagee, does he endorse his hatred?

Unfortunately, since he stated that he will be commenting on Rev. Wright - it seems fair to suggest this inappropriate relationship with Hagee and his terrible messages of intolerance.

How much experiance do you have to have to get into the School of American Ballet? (

How much experiance do you need? Like how many years of pointe, how much flexibilty, etc. And how do they fit in academic stuff?

Why when Health Point Insurance made 2.3 Bil. in profits last year are they increaing rates 39%?

I'm a conservative and support the free-market system, but I'm always aware that we must have rules and oversight to keep things in perspective. I have no problem with what a CEO makes, and I have no problem with a business making profits. I do have a problem with businesses gouging consumers just because they can. While I don't agree with Obama's health care plan, I do realize that there's need for improvement, I just don't think socialized medicine is the answer. I do think there needs to be caps placed on the insurance companies when they start hiking prices that much without a clear need for it other than to gouge customers. I was livid when I learned of the 39% increase because there's nothing to indicate that it was necessary to do this in order to maintain a fair profit margin. I own a business and I'm all about capitalism, but one can still run a business and make a profit while adhering to morals & ethics and being humane.

Period was on july 9 ended the 12 two weeks ltr had lite pink spotin for 2 days now 30th n wake up throwin up?

hey hey CONGRATULATIONS you are going to be a new mommy! what's the baby's name? do you have the room ready?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Need names of Vst Plugins to make electronic type beats!?

I was aksed to make a electronic beat for artists like Eg Dj Kalad type beat! I use fl studios does anybody know the names of Vsts plugins that I would need any names for download links??

Are women in Latin Culture encouraged to remain chaste until marriage?

Not any more, but there's unfortunately still that attitude among hispanics that discourage women from being independent. although more and more women are living on their own, many of them are expected to live with their parents until they get married. its kind of an unspoken expectation. i know this because i am a hispanic 18 year old and im going away to college next year. many people have told me to stay at home with my parents and not to leave them alone. although they seem to "good" intentions, i know that deep down inside its this unconscious gender inequality kicking in. the males in my family didnt have this problem. the females who moved out were either considered as rebels or as people who are confused in life. fortunately this attitude is disappearing as well as the chastity til marriage thing (although most girls dont do so). personally, i want to wait until i'm married to have , but that's a personal choice and has nothing to do with my culture. but there is that double standard, as in all cultures. a guy and a girl can each sleep with 5 different people in their lifetime. for a guy its considered normal but the girl is considered a s!ut.

How to Make A 3-D model of a Platypus?

Like ummm I need to make a 3-D model of a Platypuss for a science project and i dont really know how to make one. Can anyone give me some ide or like help me :]] PLZPLZPLZPZLPZLPLZPLZ. and TYTYTYTYTYTY

B.Tech in Civil engg. thru distance education program is applied for state govt. jobs like PWD,RES,UPDA or not?

I had done my intermediate in year 2002 in PCM from CBSE Board getting 55% marks than i do BE in ECE trade from year 2002-2006 with 65% marks from Agra Universty than left studies and join the family business.But now I want to do B.Tech. in civil engg. through distance education program from a institute which is affiliated from Rajasthan Vidyapeeth universiy which is affiliated from UGC,Min. of HRD and Distance education council.My question is this the degree which i got for ping civil engg. course for year 2009-2012 is applicable for UP state govt. jobs like PWD,RES UPDA.Irrigation etc. or not and i am applicable for admission in this course after a gap of 3 years of year 2006-2009 or not.

How can I be a "pin-up" for a day?

Do a search on google on pin-up model and look at the images section. It should give you lots of ideas.

What's wrong with my sewing machine and how much would it cost to repair it?

While I was sewing, I heard a loud pop and then the machine sounded like it was running low on power. I turned it off and realized the needle was bent. So, I replaced the needle. But when I pushed the foot pedal the needle did not move, but I could hear the motor running. When I turn the nob on the side, the needle moves. Do you think it's a belt, or something, that broke? If you think you may know the problem, how much would it cost to fix it?

Vicky just posted this.....your thoughts? I am so taken by this and I am female. Way to go Vicky!!!?

Although that was long to read i thought it was very interesting and quite true. I see a lot of my own thoughts and values in that and i too copied it and have emailed it to my fiance for some interesting reading! Men and women are definitely different species!

How do i get a new paper route MAP?

i deliver the newspaper and my map is totally recked, i cant find anything on the internet. does anyone know how i can get a new map without asking my distributer

Please help! Lost cl debate?

Ask to have a conference with her. You must handle this in a mature manner. Talk to her and ask your questions. She may give you some tips to help you out on the next debate. Becoming angry, won't help you. Finding out what the reasons were, could help you in the future. I believe that she will admire your efforts.

What would you do if you got your stalker/reporter alone?

i would make them eat thier own underwear and listen to 'oops i did it again' by britney spears over and over until they admitted to the board thier undying love for me.

I am a guy from hyderabad..i completed my engineering in chennai...i have avg around 62% but i have ped out?

.. nothing can stop u ... prepare a good answer if interviewer ask u about backlogs .. prove that u want to come back to India after your education .. tats it ..

Help moms! new mommy!?

Im a mommy to an amazing 8 month old son! My problem is not with him, its with my body.The reason I put this on this section is because I normally get good answers from you moms. I gained 21lbs during pregnancy, lost it all within 2 weeks. I guess my metabolism has hit rock bottom or something because I have gained ten pounds!!!! this is unheard of for me, Im only 20 years old. my husband insists I look wonderful but I just cant stand it. I work out and watch what I eat, i also work part time so im always on the move! and with the little one being a speed crawler I never get to sit lol I don't understand how this is happening? moms whats happening to my body? and WHY?! I will take any advice or suggestions. My friend recommends the pills that help cut your cortisol? she swears that they work and since Im not feeding anymore I wouldn't have to worry about harming my son, anyone had any luck with those pills? thanks again!

American Idol Top 12: Does this look right?

Your bottom 3 look pretty accurate to me....wish Andrew wasn't going to be there but I have the feeling he will. He was one of my top favorites but he hasn't been so popular with the judges which puts him in jeopardy.

Can you please let me know what is Rg in this datasheet?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do you think of these names?

I looked at this and almost feel in love with the name Kellyn Rose...IDK why but i love the way its spelt and pronounced and everything...gorgeous

Does anyone know of any stories about a mugger being seen as the victim?

Chuck Norris,film star and Martial Arts expert was walking through L.A when two muggers attacked him,he broke a few of their limbs defending himself,the police noticed the fight and went to investigate,the cops laughed themselves silly when they realised what happened,some hoods have no luck at all.

What is this song.............?

What is the newer-ish band that has a black and white video and a female singer with a really strong voice.. Um it's kinda a soulful/rock/pop song? HELP it's been driving me crazy

California Penal Code 192(c)?

What I want to know is if a person is charged and found guilty in California of Penal Code 192(c) (voluntary manslaughter - vehicular) what are their possible sentences in regards to serving time in jail and do they loose their driver’s license? For how long?

Can I fire my gun in outdoors?

I drove out of city limit to a desolate gravel road off the main road. Then I fired my handgun practicing some rapid firing (rapid firing is not allowed at the range!!). There was no one around for probably miles and I fired in a safe direction into a small hill on the side of the road that was covered with dirt and gr (didn't shoot into the air or at hard surface). My question is that some people may still hear the shots and report it to the cops, but can I still get into trouble with law under these cirstances? BTW, I live in California! Thank you!

Question about theme parks and roller coasters?

Just start riding them, they're sooo much fun. I'm afraid of heights and i love roller coasters! They're very safe or they wouldn't let thousands of people ride them everyday :0)

When did you last fly commercial?

wow. that was sooo funny!!!!!! i am laughing so hard, im about to pee in my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now your really should see them!

Do I need a seperate amp to run my stage monitors. Or can i use the same amp that I use for the house speakers?

I have two non powered Yamaha speakers and two Peavey floor monitors. How many Amps do I need to push them?

I find that Asians tend to look up to Westerners. I don't know if this is just my own observation or its true?

My experiences are quite different. The University I went to had a significant Asian population. They seemed to stay with their own little groups and cliques and remained aloof. They seemed to always avoid eye contact and it was very hard to engage them into conversations. So I guess that one could come up with quite different conclusions, dependinng on the context of your observations

I am a new pontoon boat owner. Do I need the guide ons on the trailer? They are doing damage to my pontoons.?

The guide in the center should have a cover over them. And the guides on the outside should have a PVC tube over them and they should roll.

Can anyone help with my broken electric boiler?????

If the power on light is out then I would think the fuse is the problem, there must be one somewhere in your fuse box. If located and found to be OK then perhaps the neon light has blown, do you have a mate with a electrical test-meter to check the circuit is OK. If circuit and fuse both OK but still no hot water then I would replace the thermostat in the immersion before actually having the water turned off, draining the tank and replacing the complete heater.

I need tattoo ideas, in memory of grandpas.?

I want to get tattoo's in memory of my two grandpas that have ped away. My mothers side, he was a construction worker his whole life, hard worker, and a great guy. My dads side, he worked as a machinist his entire life, lived on a farm, basically raised me for a good part of my life, i want something i can get to honor them, Their names were Richard Williams and David Engstrom(also my name) i was looking to put it on my left arm deltoid, maybe even both arms if it was big enough. I need ideas of what to get im drawing a blank, if you are a tattoo artist and come up with something good i would definately pay you for the sketch. thank you.


When i kept seeing it...i was boggled...but i knew it was no coincidence...his name is i got a ride from a taxi driver ALSO named Mont who gave me his number ***-4113...then ryt b4 that a girl i know just randomnly says her lucky number was 12...but this year its 13...when I asked her why a day later...she couldnt rememebr...then while looking at pics...i happend to notice "Mont"s pic was was titled "13"...then next to it was a pic of him and my brother...who are best friends...BROTHERS...and under it was "1213" I had been seeing the numbers "247" for years EVERY WHERE to the point coincidence was totlally ruled was freaking me this...oh and 2+4+7=13....and when i kept seeing all took place in one night....if anyone can help me i would appreciate it...THX!!

PLEASE HELP!, pregnant again with a 6 month old baby and trying to cope with the stress of my mother in law!?

You are going to have to put your foot down with your mother in law, since she cant take hints. If your husband will not speak to her for you, then you will have to speak for yourself. When she "insists" on meeting in town, just say no, that it's not practical for you to do that. Really, your husband should be helping more to sort things out. If you have been getting beta blockers for anxiety, and cant take them due to pregnancy, then he needs to help you get less stressed, and that means dealing with his mother. It's not a good excuse to say he works long hours and then wants to spend his time with you. How long would it take for him to have a firm talk with his mother? An hour or two? And then he'd have a much happier family to spend his time with. If you cant stand up to this woman, he has to do it for you. And get him to tell her that it's beyond cruel to bring presents only for his biological children, and that they must also bring things for your daughter. It is his home, and he has the right to tell them how to act in it.

POVA criminal record check..................?

pova have a list of people who have not been convicted of any crime. they may have been dismissed from a job in care work for shouting or being disrespectful to residents or service users but not actually commited any crime. this makes them unsuitable to work in the caring profession. managers of care homes can ask for names to be added if they are concerned that the person might get another job and do the same thing again.

?well this is a typical pregnancy question?

I'm hungry all the time. Very temperamental. Nauseous after I eat. Head aches every 1nce in a wile. And sensitive brests with tenderness on the outside of them. I get cramps. And have occasional lower back pain. Some bloating. And gas. ...should i test?.. my husband ask me if I was. And I hadn't brought anything up to him is this a sign I should also?

Grrrrrr how do you handle a snooty brother and sister in law?

I married across the colour line (South Africa). My w sister and brother in law pee me off. Whenever they visit our city, we have to trek many kilometres to meet them. I feel as though I am bowing to them constantly as this is how they always set things up. They have my husband wrapped around their fingers.

Can someone please translate this sentence from spanish to english?10 PNTS BEST ANSWER!?

como estas???a ver cuando venis por ak..bueno que pases se si me entendes lo que te escribi porque yo no entendi nada lo que escribistes vos jaja.. besos.. milena

The question is; What question do you ask what girl?

since you can ask them both a question .. ask one did my girlfriend walk by, if the answer is yes that is the one telling the truth if not its the liar, and the second one ask which way did she go the answer to this one depends on the last. if the last answer was yes you go down the path that this one doesnt point to, if the last answer was no then you go down the path that this twin points to

Accounting help on a problem involving periodic FIFO, LIFO, and average?

What inventory system are we using? Periodic or perpetual? The answers will be very different with the 2 methods.

SAH dilemma ?

I would stay in your current situation. Schooling is very important for children and I think that the better the school..the better the education. I moved to where I live, one reason being the excellent schools for my daughter. And saving money is very very important. If you can save 1/3, that is great. As long as both of you are happy with your situation, than I don't see why you should change it :)

Simple technology is better than Modern Technology?

Heeey guys. Could you please help me with my debate topic for school. I have to find both negative and affirmative arguments for Simple Technology is better than Modern Technology.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Have I forever ruined things and embarrased myself with my wife by trying to role play and spice things up?

My wife is a history teacher and lately our lovemaking has been very hit and miss... We are both stressed out and I understand. However I wanted to do something that she might fantasize about and kind of so last night I dressed as Benjamin Franklin and prepared myself for when she got home, as she came in the room there I was dressed in full Ben Franklin garb, or how I imagined he would have dressed, I had a full wig with his hat, clothes, big shoes with buckles on them, the whole nine and I wanted her to feel good so I said "Come play with my lightning rod" However she began to laugh hysterically and I couldn't physically make love after that. I played it off like i knew everything was good, but now i'm having a tough time getting over it and she's already told her friends.

Can you translate this? Urdu to English.?

Aapka bohath shukriya. Aapne bohat madat qi thie. Hum logo ko nahi malom hum log kahah hote agar aap hamari madath nahi kartey. Again, bohat shukriya.

What is the Orthodox Alliance?

there is no such thing yet unfortunately.And even if there is it is just an organization made to defend the Orthodox nations from enemies.

If your a white person. How does it feel to be descendants of criminals ousted in england for ...?

then sent to the "new country" to steal from the native americans, destroying peoples lives by helping enslave black people and then one day saying "its over thats in the past lets move on" then saying "lets play fair" when your descendants basically STOLE everything and ped it down and everyone else has to start from scratch?

Did Pittsburgh Mayor Ravenstahl really call Bruce Willis and Sarah Jessica Parker to.....?

Even as a Pens fan I give you a big thumbs up. I actually liked that movie by the way. Not a Sarah Jessica Parker fan though.

How to deal with clingy embarring dad?

Get rid of him? Ouch. If you don't like being around him, don't as much as possible. If you want him to change I suggest mentioning these things he does that bother you in as nice of a way as possible (Dad, you know I love you but sometimes the things you say...). Be good to him, maybe even try to help him. Perhaps it's been a really long time since he's went out and socialized on his own. He might not know how to act around your friends. Maybe you can give him some tips. Be careful though, you could hurt his feelings so you have to know what you can and can't say to him. In your situation I think you are going to have to talk about him if you are sort of forced to be around him. Maybe you can tell him that you want to have more private time with your friends? Or you can just get over it. Your dad is weird, so what? I like weird people, and your friends might too. He can still be a nice guy. If your friends are honestly mean towards him, well why are you choosing your friends over your dad? Is that what you want to do?

What do you think of the West Coast Eagles wearing the old WA state jumper for heritage round?

I've got no particular problem with them wearing a black and gold for the heritage round. I do object to them wearing that jumper with the state of origin logo on it. They're not a SOO team, they are an AFL club, that happens to be based in the state of WA. Wearing black and gold shows their ties to WA, so no problem there, but put the SOO logo on, and they seem to be claiming to be something they are not. If they modify the jumper so that the map of WA is replaced with an Eagles logo, I'd be a lot happier.

As parents, do we sometimes have too great expectations for our children?

as a parent i had a list of objectives i wanted to teach my to take care of a car, how to dance, not to be afraid to learn and to think for themself in everything.. i always kept my ear to the ground and if they mentioned anything they wanted to try, i would back them and encourage them to do it... even if i didnt like it.. one son wanted to be a fire jumper.. so we researched what it would take and the physical training.. and i told him he needed to start getting ready.. he found he didnt like the rigors of it and dropped it. i pushed them to not only follow a job they wanted to learn, but to also learn a job they could do sitting just in case something happened.. i wanted them to go to the community college but i at least got them into a vocational school. i warned them of what they would encounter in whatever they chose and heard stories later how they didnt believe me but it all came to p 8) (i have lived alot) just dont try to live vicariously through them.. that will make them miserable

Volunteer in greece.?

Hi, anyone know of or done any volunteer work in greece. i currently work full time and want to volunteer some vacation time in an area of the world i love. I am primarily interested in environmental or archaeological work. Im also 36 and am worried this will be a barrier.

Who else believes Obama is deliberately trying to collapse our economy.?

Intentionally causing chaos, disorder, and hopelessness. That is his plan. To destroy capilalism, and to start from the bottom when we are left with nothing, and rebuild a socialist nation?

Possible nicknames for this name?

*"Lyndon" sounds/looks more "masculine-spelled". ...The only possible nickname that comes to me is "Don" (pronounced "Dan" Or "Dunn") or "Donny". Something like that. ...Pretty difficult!

Can getting a hickey kill you? & how to get rid of one?

no a hickey can not kill you. take a metal spoon stick it in the freezer take it out when it is really cold and stick it on the hickeys.

Do I have a strong lawsuit against ULTA?

What you didn't mention was the most important fact. What was the result of the criminal prosecution? If you were convicted of any crime, by plea or by trial, then you absolutely have no claim at all. If you were not convicted, you probably have no claim. There is no restriction on informing police that one suspects a crime has been committed.

Why are mornings sometimes difficult?

It's because mornings put a lot of pressure on us to do whatever must be done to get the day started: In a short amount of time we must finish getting all the sleep we can, get cleaned, get ready/dressed, eat breakfast, arrive someplace at a very specific time, etc. The pressure causes us to become stressed, which results in a hectic and difficult vibe. Also, the average person doesn't get enough sleep at night, and that usually results in morning fatigue, apathy and negativity.

Jackie brown?

i wanna see this movie but my mom wont let me watch dirty movies. Does it cuss as much as reservoir dogs? Does it have nudity? How many times does it say the f word? Thanks a lot i love tarantino

That one dude nathaniel from americas got talent?

He IS gorgeous! ♥ I'm a sucker for guys with long hair :) Howie called him Justin Bieber or something >.< that kinda bugged me

What is the name of the piece in Monster IN Law movie?

You can listen to sound clips from the soundtrack here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

TMJ question?????????

i know i have tmj cuz my left and right jaw crack when i open my mouth wide open it cracks 3 times like first the right side cracks then left then when it goes down i guess then the both crack idk its complicated and i dont know get the use a a nightguard i didnt go to a dentist yet. do a night guard only stop the jaw cracking aat night does it stop it for like idk forever lol help i really dont get how to use a nightguard. when i open my mouth like a inch i can feel it about to crack and i feel the pain and it hurts do u think is severe enought to go through surgery im scared of them i dont wann die.

Why are people so rude these days??

i sware people act like they have a protective bubble surrounding them that allows them to drive anyway they want,say anything they want on the phone where everyone else can here,take 30 items to the 15 items or less express lane at the grocery store.what really gets me is all the tv commercials,are all so heart warming and show people in a different world i guess,because the people in this world are just plain rude and inconsiderate of their fellow man!!!!!!!!!!


i suggest going to the venues website. on the burning up tour i was able to go to my venues website and enter my ticket information and it gave me what the view looked like from th at seat. yes. and most likely that is the 21st row. near the middle.

Am I too old for college?

first off, you sound super nice, i don't know why - probably your manners, grammar, and word choice. i definitely think you should go to college. you seem like you really have your head on straight and i think you can get a lot out of it. i think the harvard summer school will be for students out of high school but if you apply im sure they will consider you. no body will even be able to tell how old you are - and if they do i don't think it matters (its all competitive so no body is going to actually care). lots of people start college now after they are married (24-26) or even when they have kids.......i know a few moms in college who are 30 and they are wonderful students. right now i am a first year at ohio state, 18 years old, and there are so many people as old as me that don't even bother with school. they waste their time partying and on top of that they complain about how they should have waited since they are struggling with the costs. so if you can manage with tuition i think you'll be just fine. we are all on earth to learn and educate ourselves. give it a shot. whatever decision you make will be great though, and enjoy life =) its the only one you got.

Will Putin - in retaliation over Cheney involvement in Georgia - reveal Bush's secret oil kickback accounts?

The Americans better just leave the Russians the hell alone or we are going to really regret it. Are we prepared to go back to the cold war days and to bring down the rest of the planet with us? Or worse will it go as far as the early 1960's when we were minutes from a nuclear holocaust. Bush has got to leave them Russians the hell alone. I have my own beliefs where Bush's loyalties lie but i will not state them because I really do not want my answer deleted It has happened before

So quick question for you guys out there?

whenever i read love stories (cheesy ones, dont get me wrong) i find what the guy is thinking very interesting. there will be things like "her hair brushed up against my knee and i wanted to touch it so badly" and "i loved the way her nose crinkled when she was confused" and "i liked to watch her hair blow in the wind." i was just wondering if any of this is true? Do guys really observe every move a girl who he finds attractive makes? or is this just something you only read in books and see in movies?

Should I change gyms?

After 10 months apart my exboyfriend keeps showing up at the gym where we both used but is 30 minuets out of his way. He says he is here to play ball with his friends. At times we are standing within 3 feet from each other, but we don't talk at all. And that is mostly because of me. He was emotionally abusive and the breakup was very nasty. Going to the gym is a big stress reducer for me and it is the only thing I do extra for myself. I truely dont want to see him, He knows I'm there and what time. I don't know what he is trying to accomplish by doing this. But I don't want him to push me out from the closest gym to me. P.s. When I tried to ask him why he was here the first time, he started yelling and cussing at me infront of everyone.

Since the mega-rich/powerful in this world don't leave things to chance, are US elections a charade?

And doesn't the continued absence of a paper trail and polling results being transmitted via the Internet make the procedure wide open to hacker manipulation on a grand scale? Come on folks, turn off the TV and think.

Working from home name?

I am going to be working from home taking inbound calls and i need a name for my company , any suggestions please

Atheists, just a few questions...?

There has been many different religions before Christianity and after Christianity that all have nearly the same dates and same stories. How am I suppose to believe that Christianity is the true religion if many religions before it had the same basic concept and story. Also in the bible god killed 33 million people the devil killed 5 ( god made him and 2 of them deserved it ) so if the bible was written by man from gods side of the story then until we get the devils side how are we suppose to know if the devil isnt the good guy and god is the bad guy.

Different recipes that involve instant pudding mix?

I have a box of pistachio pudding mix, but I don't feel like making pudding is there anything interesting that I can do with it? I'm up for any recipes :} .

Did the depth of the Magic surprise anyone else?

With a must win game for the Sixers at home, the Depth of the Magic really showed they are worth a damn especially on the road! Did Gortat and Red surprise anyone like they did me? I fully expected this series to go 7.


My thought on this. Is to move on because he is not happy with only one women in his life. If he can cheat on you once he will continue to cheat. You can do better for yourself. Life is to short to put up with the lies and deceit. A real man always puts his lady first and keeps her safe.

My friend fractured his femur and tore his acl and mcl?

he is a varsity football player and he was starting as a sopre. heis really worried he wont play again and i was just wondering if he will ever be able to. he was a very promising player and probably would have been able to make d1 or d1 aa.

What do you of Juliana Marie as a little girls name?

Im addicted to name combonations. I just think its fun to think of names that flow well together. I love this name. What do you guys think?

What is the best solution for inflamed rotator cuff pain when sleeping?

ibuprofen or boil ginger and add honey for taste. I read that it's action is a natural anti-inflammatory response. If the inflammation is reduced or eliminated, that may take care of the pain.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School Play on Conflict Resolution??? plz help urgently!!!?

well, i have this ignment thats due for tomorrow so your help will really be appreciated if i get decent answers please. my freind & i have to act as child & parent that has a fight. you have to show the cause, effect & resolution. what are good ideas to act out or if you have any similar play like that please send it to me. it shouldnt be too long. more or less 5-7 minutes. thank you sooooo much in advance. mwah xoxo :-)

Paul/Nikki, Victor/Phyllis against Mary Jane? Y&R?

Since Patty (MJ) is Paul's sister, when Nikki, Victor and Phyllis finds out that MJ is the one who caused Summer to be in a coma, how will Paul and Nikki's relationship survive this?

How do I get my married friends to fight fair?

One of my best friends and her family has come to stay with us for a while. I the problem is is that they fight really mean. Yelling at each other to shut the **** up and calling each other names.They don't seem to care even if I am in the room. I suggested counciling so that they can learn how to talk to one another lovingly instead of behaving like complete enemies. My husband and I are lucky to have matured in our relationship and we discuss our problems rationally. The other part of the problem is that their four year old is wild, is disobidiant and mouthy. I know that my friend grew up in a rough situation and didn't have role models she could count on. She cusses at her child and calls him names sometimes, threatens punishment and never fallows through, hands all of the discipline off on dad then seems frustrated by the lack of respect. I can't help but thinking she is really hurting him even if unintintionaly. All of this insantity could be avoided by simple kindness.

What does the number next ti the foxy 5 mean on myyearbook?

an example is when it says 7568 views next to your picture. but then i look on my profile and it only say i have 30 views. so what does it mean?

I have to many dogs, now what?

You need to talk to the local shelter manager about having them take the dogs off your hands. They work with local rescues as well, and can place them.

Help with Deposit or First months rent in Alameda County CA?

I'm in hayward, ca and i know there's a program that'll help you pay your deposit . I cant find the number any where online and i believe its a HUD program but i'm not sure.

How to help my little brother play college, minor, or major league baseball?

My little brother is currently in 5th grade and is a baseball phenom for his age. In his rec league he is easily the best pitcher with good speed and unbelievable control as he walks maybe 1 or 2 batters in about 5 or 6 innings. People have said he would be the best pitcher in the leagues of 6th 7th and 8th graders but they wont let him move up to the upper leagues. He doesnt hit with the most power but gets good contact and is over 5 foot and is only 10 so the power should come. He also plays aau and would start for any auu team in the country at any position and probably a top 3 pitcher. So when do you start trying to get colleges to notice you or even professional? because Jordan Schaeefer of the Atlanta Braves minor league system was considered the best 13 year old player in the US.

Difference between pregnent stomach and fatt stomach?

as a women I realize that i gain a lot of weight in my upper arm area and stomach! and then lastly i will gain it at my thighs. I am 112lbsand the last time i had was in may. i had my period in may, june, july, august and sept. now its nov and havent gotten it yet and my stomach looks a little big. im kinda freakin out cause i could be pregnent? and when i turn to the side in the mirror i look pregnent. someone tell me the difference in appearance. thankss ;D

Can I get accutane from my doctor?

i dont have a derm and i cant afford/dont have time for one, i just want the perscription from my doc. is this possible?

Is Dish- Zee sports America going to broadcast India's tour of Australia in the US?

Is Zee sports America on Dish network going to broadcast India's tour of Australia in the US? Please let me know if you know.Thanks.

My slave doesn't seem to like my cooking, what should I prepare for her tonight?

Rez, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you have two very complex problems on your hands. First off, hands down...your slave is broken. A proper slave will enjoy whatever you tell her to enjoy. Mmmm...yes Sir...I love pickled horse testacles. Secondly, you are a terrible Dom. Why are you concerning yourself with what she likes? You have completely lost all sense of power in this relationship. Now go stand in the corner and start thinking about exactly where things went oh so wrong.

What are some good exercises to do to loose weight fast?

I'm going to start doing lots of exercises because this summer I got a bit of chub going on. Any good exercises?

When priests molest children what happens to them?

Do they get sent to jail or something? Or does some sort of religious technicality get them out of it?

I had this horrible nightmare.. what could it mean?

may be the prison has more to do with your relationship feeling tied down or committed and the break up triggered guilty emotions for leaving your girlfriend. May be the girl eating represented your ex and that maybe you felt she was being feed a line, **** or that she was getting crumbs the fact that she looked as if she knew what was about to happen may be meant you thought she saw the breakup coming or that your own thoughts are centered around that may be she see you, in her eyes differently , hard telling; but that would be my guess since I don't know the details of your break up I would say you feel some degree nor guilt, shame or remorse?

In what state can i find the most people from senegal?

if u know a dating site for senegalese s too..that'll be great. i'm just wondering if there's anything out there taht i do not know. i've google alot so now i need ur help if u knw

Rate my fantasy baseball team 1-10?

Its a solid 7. Obvious concerns with Santana, id watch the Michael Young situation as well. Players who get traded (if he does in fact get traded) usually has a negative affect on their fantasy stats. Im not sure what the situation with KRod and the Mets is, that could be an issue, last i heard they were suing him for part of his contract after he beat up his dad. Felix Hernandez is a great pitcher on a HORRIBLE team. Don't expect much out of him. Drop Hellickson for another teams 3rd or 4th starter, don't expect much out of the Rays this year.

Alternative to flea drops?

NEVER use Hartz! also you can use dawn dish soap...the blue kind, it kills fleas, just let it sit on him from the neck down for 5 min and while its sitting use a flea comb on his face to get any that might be is not as effective as say frontline or advantage but it will kill the fleas that are on him...but not what is in your house already like frontline and advantage will...the shampoo will only work for what is only him but if he has fleas the you will have eggs and more fleas in your carpet and couch and the shampoo will not kill those, i would say try frontline plus(ask your vet first) it is a drop but he may not have the same reaction since it is higher quality then sentry, and it will kill any fleas and eggs that end up on him which will be any flea in the house!

When an Obama drooling liberal gets laid off and unemployed, do you feel sympathy?

If they stay laid off long enough they will soon change their minds about Obama, nothing like trying to fed a family that will change your mind.*

Depression/Suicide Help?

cutting to relieve stress is a form of mental illness. its ok!/ there is help for anyone who is depressed or suicidal. there are low cost mental health facilities in every state. they are confidential. you can also call the help hotline, when you feel this way. talk to someone who will listen; and noy be judgemental. youre not alone! there is a lot of pressure on everyone these days. if we rely on our friends and help each other through these trying times--we can make it, have faith, i know it will get better!

Divergence theorem.. limits..?

Answer: 8Ï€a³ is correct (previous solver). Also notice that it makes no difference where you locate the sphere.

Name that game.........?

Ok. These are the basic details. There was this game i played about ten years ago on either the snes or another system made at the time (not like the psx or nintendo 64, probably a less popular system). All i remember about it is that it was similar to (if not) metroid and that the first level was like a maze of a spaceship which has an open bottom that can easily be fallen through. It was also a platformer for the most part. It may have not been a large level but i remember being extremely frustrated at the difficulty of this game ( I was like, 6). It might be a vague description, but its all i have. Take several guesses if you want, first right answer = best answer.

Hey all been awhile since i v'e been here,but i figured what better bunch of people to ask!?

I got a puppy today female pit/chow now what are some unique unusual names i could name her? It doesn't hafta be but i am partial to native american names,fluffy's fido's need not apply so please help me out!! She is tan and has blue eyes that will probably turn gold. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

Song/poem writing help?

I'm doing a project on the Odyssey by Homer. There are sea nymphs called sirens, sang songs that lured men to their death. I have to write a song/poem tomorrow that bribes the opposite to do something that they wouldn't normally want to do. Our English teacher's example was to maybe write a poem/song that makes a guy want to go shoe shopping with a girl. The thing is, I'm not great on writing poems (or songs) can anyone help me?

Do I need to put the code number (02) when I send fax from Sydney to Canberra?

Canberra is part of the 02 Central East Region.Since sydney is the same region, 02 isn't required. Fyi, entering 02 in front makes no difference i.e. 02 1234-1234 is the same as 1234-1234 for your situation

For those who dye clothes?

So I just tried to dye my jacket. I used purple dye but it came out fuchsia. I need to get it purple so should I try purple dye or just blue?

Urgent Question - Grade 7 Shop Cl Project Ideas Wanted?

when i was at high school and did woodwork the toys we made at about your year level were marionettes.easy to shape sand and varnish and they make a good toy.

General McChrystal for POTUS in 2012? What say you?

It was McChrystal that issued the strict directives to avoid civilian casualties that the U.S. military has ever encountered in a war zone. It's "insurgent math," as he calls it – for every innocent person you kill, you create 10 new enemies. That is why you can't find one incident of Gen McChrystal criticizing the strategy.

Prosper Finance mentoring?

I am trying to pay off my bills at an accelerated rated and was accepted by prosper finance for a mentoring program. Down fall is tution is over 6000.00 They say if I am adament, the course will pay for itself within the first year. They provide a weekly telephone consultation/lesson/homework. Has anyone done this and what were the results. It sounds good but don't know if I should spend the 6000.00, Thanks

Sestakgate: did Obama think that he could run the federal government like a Chicago gang?

Obama clearly violated 18 USC 600 by indirectly offering Sestak the Secretary of the Navy job through little Rahm "I Shower with Other Men" Emanuel.

Does lucy stillman die in ins creed brotherhood?

does she die or is it an illusion caused by the apple like at the start of ins creed one where altair thought he got stabbed by his master?

Why do i look younger than my age ?

Im 46 but people cannot believe im 46 this really bugs me as people say i look 28 or in the early 30's and people of my own age talk to me like im half there age this is making me feel angry and disillusioned and not confident is this right or should i see some one about this.

Which is which,evolution or creation?

creation started with adam and eve.weren't there and inbreeding,with evolution,why are apes still apes?

Why do people use avatar and not show their own picture?

some people don't use their true identity or picture because you never know whose on the computer. It can be unsafe. Some members are very young. I do not consider myself ugly but do not want to expose myself to the world where anyone can join.

Why is psychic ability temperamental?

There are many big energy changes on the earth plane this year best beloved, they peak around Autumn/Winter time and will level out late next spring. Many people are asking the same question as you have. You are obviously sensitive to the energy changes going on here on the Earth plane and they're making your own abilities a little off balance. take some quiet time to close your eyes and relax and feel the energy changes going on in the Earth, try to tune into them and it will re-balance your own energies. The other thing than can deplete them is if you have been unwell or ill. Again, use the same technique. Many faces will drift in and out while your eyes are closed as they re-tune. You are one of the small percentage of us able to feel these energy changes taking place, and whilst it has thrown yours slightly out of synch, it still makes you a special kind of psychic.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Did I have a paranormal experience?

I would say that it is certainly possible and most likely that something was in that room with you. And as for the goose bumps I think that has a bit to do with the cold spot in the room of whatever was in there and also with being scared.

Help-- friend trouble?

He probably senses youre having trouble with your other friemd & thought if youd have to chose youd go with your best friend

Christians or anyone else: do you believe that people are born "bad"?

This is nothing to do with religion, but research has shown that serial killers have a defect in a certain part of their brain. It's the whole nature vs nurture thing. I think people are innately born evil in a sense, but their upbringing certainly contributes.

With which exercises do i get rid of this fat?

i have fat on my thighs, between my legs, at the point of the "adductor magnus" muscle. how do i get rid of it?

Informtion of Rafting Camps Rishikesh?

Hi ! I need information of White water rafting from Marin drive to Rishikesh and camping at Shivpuri , need packages rates with contact information

Does anyone own "PlayDry" or "ClimaCool" workout clothing?

I have these shirts that are made out of that material that's supposed to wick sweat away from your body in order to make your workouts more comfortable. They have names like "PlayDry" by Nike, "ClimaCool" by Adidas, and "RapiDry." Does anyone own these kinds of shirts or have knowledge of how they are to be laundered so that they don't get ruined? Can you put them in the dryer, or do you have to air dry them?

What do you think of these names?

my fav of the girls is Jocelyn and my fav of the boys is jasper or conor or for a boy i would pick a name like legend.

My rat is depressed what do i do?

Hi. My pet rat, Dude, has become very reclusive since i have brought him home. Just recently i have gone out to petsmart and bought him a running wheel, a play tube and a twine ball. When i first brought him home, about a month and a half ago, he was very playful, and spontaneous. But here recently, since i put in his new toys in his cage, he only runs underneath his new wheel and sleeps. i tryed to get him a play partner, but the ladies at petsmart told me they would kill each other. can you please help me and dude??!?!?!?

Is this year the mavs only true chance to win a championship?

It not just that, Dirk and Jason Kidd basically last chance because like you said, they aren't getting younger. In my opinion yes, this is really their last chance before the Dallas Mavericks go into a Rebuilding stage. Dallas have alot of veteran players, but like only 3 players that is considered young. I think Dallas is going to have a good recruiting season because they knock-off the 2 Times Defending Champions, but a NBA Championship? I think Dallas may have a good Free Agent season unless we have a Lockout lol.

How long will it take to get a settlement for work related injury?

I was injured at work while lifting a jet Ski out to a dealership because their forklift was broke. My work expected me to lift crazy amounts of wieght every day. After I got hurt, I let my boss know what happend. He begged me to keep working. After two days on the job, that night I coud'nt even get out of bed. After going through Workmans Comp and Back surgery I contacted a lawyer to handle my case. I am also seeking emotional and stress related injurys as well. The lawyer and I felt that I was worked over by my company. It has now been 8 months involved from injury to present.I have'nt heard from my lawyer in three months. I would just like to know the norm for such a mess and what I should expect in the future? I have healed good but still have pain. How much money will likley come my way? I am a student now and trying to become a nurse.

Is there such a thing as a "Flying Rat?" Or are the exterminors / inspectors feeding us a crock of bull?

This is very common of squirrels. I have seen them, even on 3 story homes doing as yours is. They will even gnaw holes through the inside walls if given a chance. Birds will use a hole as described but something else has to make the hole.

Recovery from a panic attack?

Alcohol is a depressant, and this is why your symptoms are worse after heavy drinking. Panic attacks happen to a lot of people, but after a few you do start to panic about having a panic attack. They are awful and the feelings are very intense, but it can get into a vicious circle of panicking in case you panic and then drinking to take the edge off the panic which then makes the feelings worse after drinking. See a Doctor to discuss cognitive behavioural therapy and/or counselling. A course of anti-depressants may be useful...but let the Doc decide as there are side-effects that may actually feel worse than the anxiety. I survived...good luck x

Why do I experience a scratching sound and sensation in my ear when I hear out of tune notes?

Your "Problem" is a damaged Mallus. However if it only does this on out of tune notes it is a gift and you should stick with me kid, we'll go places. so far there is not much they can do for it. An earplug would be the only thing to help the pain. When doctors find out how to fix a damaged Mallus let me know.

Is Nip/Tuck returning for a new season?

What happened to Nip/Tuck? I was expecting another season after they showed who the Carver was, but it never returned? Did it get booted?!

We need help for our new room please!! Thank everyone?

yes thats very cute. i was going to go with the zebra look for my apartment when i move out...its really in right now

Whats your most hilarious moment?

Ok first I'll tell mine: I go to a private school and my principal is my counciler/pasture...So I went to talk to him b/c I had sessions with him every other day..So I sit down and we start talking and hes asking me questions im answering them and like 10 min. later im like(omg, i need to go to the bathroom! nah, i can hold it just a little while)...And he continues asking me questions and im nodding my head in agreement. Then about 15 min.(im like omg!! I really need to pee but I cant ask him in the middle of him talking aahh! what am I gonna do? keep in mind hes blabbering while im thinkin about how i need to pee!) and I couldnt hold it any longer and I peed right in his chair. I was so freakin embarred! so when our session was done and im walking out, theres pee dripping all down my uniform. lol ughh it was disgusting! ok tell mer urs!

Is my girlfriend emotionally cheating on me?

well shes not cheating on you really, how would you feel if she didnt want you to hang with a friend of yours or your brother/sister? and if you do have a problem with this why havent you just break up with her?

Which might be said of you: "Oh, what he/she might have been" or "he/she made the best of his/her life?

We should all strive to live our lives in such a way that when the time comes and finally we stand before Him, that He would say: "Well done! Good and faithful servant".

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Travel from Shenzhen to HK?

If we travel by penger car from Shenzhen to Hk, what is the est waiting time at immigration? Are all pax required to alight from car or can we stay in vehicle and just hand pport to officers? Pls advise

How do you tarnish br?

I bought new br curtain fittings (brackets, curtain rings, finials & curtain rod). I have put paint stripper on them to remove the laquer but I want them to tarnish quickly so I can put them up. I want them to look like they are really old not new and shiny.

How do you know if you if performance anxiety is really just an indicator that the girl you're with isn't . .?

Sometimes performance anxiety is an indication that you are and don't really want to be engaging in with girls.

Calf pain question, can anyone give me an answer?

I'm currently 22 (female). When I was 18 I had arthroscopic knee surgery, and it resulted in a DVT. I took Lovenox and Coumadin, and it eventually went away. In the process of figuring that out they told me I have reflux in my veins which is an early sign of varicose veins apparently? I am an athlete and since then I've always had issues with that calf cramping, or feeling like it's pulled/strained. It's always the first muscle to get sore/pulled when I work out. When it's strained and I'm sitting down it often feels like there are air bubble moving through it, it's a strange sensation, and it's very sensitive to the touch obviously. I just didn't know if anyone can explain why it's like that or if its anything I should be concerned about, more than just a sore muscle (I'm used to those). I'm also about to undergo ankle surgery on the same leg in about a month, and they're aware of my DVT history and everything. It is just a little nervewrecking, wondering if anyone could make some sense of it?? Thanks!

Magic the Gathering Decks Help!?!?

I'm sure if I looked AT EVERY ONE OF YOUR CARDS I would figure out what each deck does, but maybe tell us what is the point of each deck?

Horoscopes: Do you think i act like a LEO? 10 pts?

Most deffinately. All of those traits are distinctly leo, and if you revealed that your actually not a leo I would say your parents lied to you about your birthday.

What's it like being a tanker in the Marines?

well if it isnt grueling enough for you , you can always go force recon after tanker training. why do you want to live on the edge.

How can you get to Newark Airport from LaGuardia Airport?

I took a helicopter shuttle maybe 10 yrs ago. Surprisingly it was cheap like $ 36 again, that was a while ago. Other than that they should have ground shuttles. Ask around and partner up w/ someone going your way. Good luck you should be fine..Just remember to hold your breath when in Newark!

When you've REALLY screwed up and it's your fault, and you admit it,...where do you go from there?

I've already lived through the worst of it,...I've taken hold of my own responsibility in the matter. I've admitted it and it pains me to absolutely no end. I am grieving. Beyond belief. I've gotten us into some serious financial peril. I know. On the other hand, so has he with his “wants” turned “need.” But at the same time, I want to fix it as best as I can so as to move past this stagnant little … well, let’s just say, this pond.. Where do we go from here? I'm about as mucked as I can possibly to clean up the mess now? ...haul it out and make fertilizer out of it and buy a new horse? I could leave the situation Scot free with precious few ramifications but I feel it is my responsibility to repair some of the damage I caused. The short story is that I don't see this relationship surviving it and it seems like he needs to vent on me more than he needs to heal. At what point does venting become healing or even abuse? From the looks of it on screen, I should seek out an appropriate shrink. From my vantage point, I see no way to rectify the matter(s) since he's not willing to move past it. It's been 2 months. We’ve been together for more than 7 years. Sometimes I wish I'd committed the crimes that I'm accused of now. Of some I'm guilty, of most, I’m not. Where do we go from here?

What would be some good certifications to get so that I mayvolunteer at a hospital, hopice, etc.?

Should I take CPR, and AED courses? I would like to get clinical experience. What would be the best way to go about doing this? Thank you very much.

Are there any good local vineyards in Philadelphia?

I am looking for get some fresh-pressed g juice from pinot noir gs, about 4 gallons maybe a bit more or a bit less, and I have no idea where to go to get it.

If FAITH comes before regeneration by the Holy Spirit?

Faith and hope are belief and notion, regeneration by the spirit is theophany, that sets you on fire, that never grows dim.

Can a seizure be induced by intensive sweating, low body weight and malnutrition?

I'm writing a story and need to know if this is possible. If not, any disease that could cause death related to these symptoms would be nice.

Is belly on piercings just for skinny people or can it be for bigger people too???

i've seen all kinds of sizes get there belly on pierced and i don't see anything wrong with a big girl getting her belly on piered.... but people seem to think different so i want ya'lls input about it!!!!!!!

What are some great luau songs?

We are having a luau in our after school program in celebration of our last day and I need some songs. Keep in mind that the songs need to be appropriate for kindergartners.

Firing Blanks To Attempt To Scare Off Mugger?

If someone was trying to mug me and I pulled out a gun loaded with a blank round and fired it to scare them, would there be legal penalties??

In Yu-Gi-Oh TCG can your opponent look at your monsters effects?

as long as the cards remain face up on the field or in your graveyard your opponent is allowed to look at your cards, or if they are removed from play as long as their not removed and are face down do to an affect such as diff. dimension capsule

Can death silence her voice?

Apostrophe in 'babes' and perhaps even 'doves', 'though it's debatable in this case. I'd like to see you rewrite it in a less archaic-sounding form.

This is a question for adults..?

I was sixteen when I had my first serious boyfriend. Before that "boyfriend" meant someone to sit next to at lunch or occasionally hold hands with. When I answer adolescent questions about relationships I try to convey some advice as well as telling them not to take it too seriously because they are young and changing and growing every day.

Should my chihuahua be balding if he has dry skin or could it be something worse?

this started from a little scratch from our cat! & has gotten worse. I put ointment on him & it seems to work, but now he's getting them in places where he has no scratches. if anyone is , or has had similar experiences with this I'd love to know what the best treatment would be to try before I take pepe to the vet.

Why do people take movies....?

so seriously, with statements like "Tarantino is God!!!!"?? And why do some people get all agitated if you even show the slightest of difference of opinion in theirs? It's like you somehow burst their fragile, little buble. Ha hah, sorry, not being rude, but it makes me laugh. I like movies as much as the next person, but movies are a way to enhance my life, not escape it. Seriously don't mean to piss in anyone's cereal or to cause a stir for some. Just wondering what some of you think about this. Thanks.

Has anyone else seen past the contrived smoke screen of the AIG bonuses to what they are really up to?

Informed and Intelligent people already knew what they were up to long ago. Thank you for posting this. Maybe the less fortunate Obama supporters may start to get the picture. However I, doubt they ever will. Their minds don't seem to function properly. They apparently can not consume a 40oz. or plan a drive by and think at the same time. This mindset is beyond repair. Which is exactly what Obama was and is counting on. Until it takes money from their pockets. There is no problem and the uneducated, uninformed American will continue to be duped with diligence. They believe they are being treated and looked after with respect, when in fact they are being used as stepping stones to accomplish an agenda which may devastate them and all Americans in the future. Stepping on Americans from the bottom up.

Problems with ego centric boss?

I work in a company in which I am the receptionist. I have slowly acquired new skills in this job my self and help from the ther receptinist i am thrilled with this job but out of service I have been doing more things that correspond to me such as making my boss creakfast (just eggos) which is no problem right? But when itr recurring and I am forced to do them to his likness and then wash after his meal it seems unfair that I signed up for receptionist and he is taking advatage of my servitutde. well unfortunalte it doesnt end there i he also started sending me on my OWN vehicle to get his daily cofee, ok right? well im on a budget and can afford only $30 of gas to last me a week. today i told him i didnt have gas whichi only have to last me till payday. and he screamed at me because i didnt want to get him cofee and began sayin hat n more personal calls (i have some that lst 2 minutes) and that no more faxing, copying etc, whichi dont do, WHAT CAN I DO? please help, complain to who?

How to locate an old Friend from bombay, india last with in 1962?

I left Bombay in March of 1962 leaving behind a very good freind Philoo Montero. I like to locate her.

I have a problem in my computer ?

First just run a full system scan with (Mal-ware Bytes) since key-gens are sources for Trojans & malware (Thats if you have access to another pc with internet. Make sure that the virus is out and then you can double check your internet connection. Second try out your internet explorer and take note of any notifications because they are critical to diagnose your system. If IE is not working i do recommend another browser.

List your ten favorite countries and they don't have to be in order?

Bahrain - Saudi Arabia - Canada - England - United States - Brazil - Switzerland - Sweden - UAE - Germany

Why do some american companies try to be deceptive about "made in america?"?

some products labeled made in the USA are actually made in territories like the pacific guam and the northern marianas islands by people who earn not much more for this job than workers in developing nations do and i feel it is pretty deceptive to label a product as made in the USA when it actually wasn't made in one of the 50 states or DC.

Why arn't they showing Kennan and kel on teen nick anymore?

I know a couple of years ago they used to show it at around 7 or 8 in the morning, but now it's not on anywhere except the computer. Whats going on? i thought people wanted it on but they are not putting it up. Does anyone know why?

Does it ever annoy you that you're tied to such primal urges...?

Not as much as my 's annoy me. I can't help but want to touch someones ear, specially If It's oddly shaped or a bit pointy, I love ears. :)

Does a cement/poured concrete pool deck covered with pavers need a "deco" drain?

We are covering our poured concrete pool deck with pavers and the company performing the work said they can just cover the existing deco drain (the long thin drain that runs the length of the deck) with the pavers with no worries RE water drainage. They basically said they don't need to raise/replace the existing drain. Is this true?

Do you know these things can help you with anxiety and depression?

I am glad to see that you have simplified the science. I agree with the caffeine part but I think you do a great injustice to the whole study of anxiety and depression. Hopefully people will take your advice (as it can't hurt) but I believe the overall population of patients who have used traditional methods of dealing with anxiety and depression, will be happy that there are viable medical treatments for these conditions.

M Effect Achievement Question?

Sorry I don't know about the quarian achievement, but I think you can save Wrex if you invest points in intimidate, not just charm

Do I have this right or is it OK to act this way on the Left?

Under the Bush administration Gen Petraeus was vilified by the Left Wing media. But now he is the top man under Obuma and the Let wingers call this move Brilliant? How do you folks on the left sleep at night knowing that the media is in the tank for Obuma?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why cosplayers are shalov?

...You're claiming that all anime fans who don't cosplay discuss philosophy? And that most people watch anime because it's deep and philosophical, as opposed to because it's enjoyable? Yeah... you're wrong.

Evolution is the factual observation of life changing due to natural selection?

Is this statement true? Is change from one species to another actually observable, or are we just theorizing that it could happen given enough time?

Which level of Rosetta Stone do I need?

I am a medical student and will be starting residency in 6 months. A lot of my patients will be Spanish-only speaking. I want to be able to reliably take a patient's history & physical without having to waste time getting an interpreter. I'm wondering which level of Rosetta Stone would be enough.

Opinions on these two uncommon girl names?

I really like them, they're great. But they're not all that uncommon, I know two girls named Cleo and three named Piper. But don't let that discourage you, they're awesome names and they're not super common like, say, Sarah and Elizabeth.


hey do you like drama cuz right now im hatin it. it sucks cuz im right in the middle of it i wish there was no drama right now but all the time everday everybody got somthin to say i try to stay away form it but when i hear somebody talkin bout my homie jessica i got to tel her who is talkin bad bout her im not jus gonna sit there and let them talk but my ride or die friend no matter what me and jessica always be tight till the end ya but ight peace out katdie

Why should people who never experienced slavery & segregation get compensation from people who never did it?

Did WWI and WWII soldiers sue the government for injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, low incomes, disabilities, depression, drinking problems, malnutrition, insomnia, etc.?

Is it ok to give external dc power to a usb device which needs 9volt 150mA - 180 mA with 9 volt and 500mA.?

I hav a usb device which requires dc power supply of 9volt @ 150mA - 180mA max. Using buspower does not give smooth running. The only adapters available have current @ 500mA to 1.2mA or more. Is it ok to use adapters with more amperage? Or will it affect the device adversely. What will hapen if i use an adapter with higher amperage. Since the manufacturer has specified the 150 - 180mA as maximum, I'm in a situation. Plz help.

How much is the approx. value of self inductance of stator & rotor & mutual inductance of a 300 MW generator?

A nearly 300 MW Generator shows a self inductance for stator winding and rotor winding and also mutual inductance . I would like to know the approximate value . with many thanks & regards

I am really green at this. I am just confused on how much soil I need.?

I would guess a couple dumppers would do. Now i have large capacity sludge vessel which navigates country streams and can dumpa few thousand tons of crap in the stream and greatly improve the soil.

Christians; Explain how Jesus is Lord of Sabbath when Matthew 28;1 contradicts that claim?

The Law has a shadow of the good things to come,” wrote the apostle Paul. (Heb. 10:1) As the Law stipulated, the Sabbath came after six days of work, and Jesus performed many of his cures on that day. This foreshadowed the peaceful rest and other blessings that mankind will experience under the Thousand Year Reign of Christ after the end of Satan’s oppressive rulership. Therefore, the King of that Kingdom is also “Lord of the sabbath.”—Matt. 12:8

What will be new fashion styles or subcultures emerging in two thousand and ten?

What fashion styles or subcultures will be emerging in two thousand and ten for males? What type of things will influence the way we look and what subcultures will emerge? Also, What subcultures will fade and die off and what hairstyles/hair types will come into fashion? :) Thanks!

What programming languages are need for video game development?

I want to create a video game using Source SDK as the engine, with the engine out of the way, what languages should my team and I learn?

What does it mean when Painters pull out their thumbs....?

in front of the canvas with one eye closed and measure somethings distance or proportion or something, or sometimes they use a paintbrush instead of a thumb, i dont get it. what are they actually doing?


That is scam from Africa, they will ask you to send money in order for you to claim your prize and they will disappear

Is Cherokee a real name? if so how do you pronounce it? 10 Points?

Is it like chair-oh-kee or chair-uh-kee? and when i tried to search the pronunciation it said Cherokee Indian Names O_o

Why would a guy drive by my house unannounced?

There is this guy from my old college that keeps driving by my house unannounced. I don't even remember giving him my addresses. I know he was asking his friends about me. Recently in the last two weeks I have seen him cruising down my neighborhood like a nut. When I saw him last week, I screamed his name and turned his head wtf??

Was this a panic attack or something else....?

About a year ago when I was playing basketball I had an episode in which I couldn't breathe.(This occurred at the end of basketball season). After running for quite awhile, my mouth got dry and there was like a weight on my chest. My coach told me to stand up and tried to calm me down. I started crying (which of course didn't help the situation). It took about 8 min. (I think) for me to get under control. For about an hour after that, I still had some breathing problems and a heavy feeling on my chest. The thing is, I didn't panic until my breathing was labored. I was fine before that. I went to my doctor and he said it was probably a panic attack. He didn't seem to concerned. He blew me off. I told another doctor about it a few months later and he said it might be exercise induced asthma, but didn't look into it. Months later, I told an allergist and he gave me an inhaler, but didn't even let me finish telling him what happened. I'm a really slow runner and I can't easily keep up with others, but at the time this happened, I was in shape. Could you please tell me what happened and if you have any suggestions. I'm tired of being ignored at the doctor's office. I hate doctors and I don't want to go to a new one. Thanks.

McCanns: 'Cooperman 2 - the Prowlers Apprenticer' to be released !!! ?

Don;t you have anything else to discuss apart from this sad case, like the state of this country, thought that was worth debating but this surely has run its course.

Why are kids and preteen girls in love with disney channel?

If you ask me i find it very anoying, my little sister lisntens to that crap. so i get some real songs. she hates it! what the heck??? is she deaf?? she is brain washed by stupid miley, vannessa, jonas brothers, and other crap!!! they are ruining our generation!! they are even ahead of todays greatest music!!! and when billy ray did a remake of sheryl crow's real gone, that was it for me! IV HAD IT WITH DISNEY!!

How to adjust the scald prevention mechanism of a bath faucet.?

I recently installed a Pegasus 9000 Bath Faucet and the water at best will only get luke warm. Unfortuneately the instructions for the product were missing as well. Water in my bathroom sink is plenty hot and the water out of the old faucet was also very hot. I've narrowed the problem to the scald prevention mechanism but don't know how to adjust it. One post mentioned taking off the handle and adjusting something on the neck, but I wasn't sure what they were talking about. The faucet also has two bolts with screws on the hot and cold side but adjusting them didn't seem to make a difference. Any help would surely be appreciated...

Are you having trouble with Paypal?

They are saying that they are checking if you own the bank account you have been using for the past three years.So they will limit your Access,until they have put a miniscule amount into the bank and you have to tell them how much it was.They haven't done so for the past fortnight.So I am unable to shop on line.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

East Side Chicago [please answer!] ?

As you can tell from the wide variety of answers others have posted, the East Side is actually quite diverse. You don't say what your race is, but chances are you won't be an "outcast". The area is fairly suburban in feel, as city neighborhoods go. You won't find mansions there, but I wouldn't call it a ghetto. Metra Electric serves the area, as do CTA buses. It's not a particularly dangerous area, but of course you'll want to use common sense. Nearby is the historic Pullman area. Be sure to have Sunday brunch at the Hotel Florence sometime.

Would a councillor help me? And what should I expect?

I think that speaking with a councellor will be MUCH easier than with your doctor. It is the councellors job, they are trained to help you out with thoughts & feelings where as the doctor is more scientific and straight-forward symptoms = diagnosis. I am not sure what kind of advice they will give, I havent made it that far yet. yay for you. you are very brave taking this step, good luck to you :)

Which bedding should I get?

those quilts are gorgeous too! i think you and your mom must talk about this. But for me those are perfect!

Which Beastie boy says....?

Which Beastie boy says "Coolin' by the lockers getting kind of funky, Me and the crew - we're drinking Br Monkey" in the song 'Br Monkey'? What is his full name and where can I find a pic of him????

If Southend beat Chelsea, how long do you give Scolari?

about 15 seconds after the final whistle. if southend beat chelsea, scolari will be sacked right then and there.

Buying Lia Sophia jewelry online problems!?

Okay so I recently had a Lia Sophia party and there's the option for people to order the jewelry online. I followed all the steps of typing the pword in, going to our jewelry, typing in hostess name, browsing the catalog for the jewelry I want, then I clicked on the jewelry but it only shows the option to add to wishlist not to the cart. Is there something messed up or did I do something wrong? Please help!

I need to find real life examples of these things for geometry--help!?

For the parellel lines w/ perp. transversal, would a football goalpost work? and for the non perpendicular bisecting segments, how about some slanted parking lot lines?

Given their repeated botched rescues, should the US military leave such tasks to the professionals?

The Mossad are the most 'elite' force there is by far. You can plan for the greatest Rescue Mission possible, but other unexpected factors come into to play when it is attempted. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these missions are already known before they even take place. You already know it is going to happen, so it is not a real surprise, you just really don't know when.

Should marriage equality be taken to the U.S. Supreme Court now or later?

Now! it doesn't really affect me because I am European, but I have had American girlfriends in the past and we have only had the option of them moving to Europe because we have the rights here. It would have been nice to have the option to consider both countries.

What would have to happen to stop action films from being called mindless entertainment?

I read reviews that call films like Money Train and Blade mindless action films. Is that because of lack of interest in the story of bad character development I wonder. I think it might be a combo of both and also a matter of individual tastes. I guess people are looking to connect with the characters on screen in a personal way and they don't feel that Hollywood films or any movies produced by major companies like 20th Century Fox, New Line Cinema, or Touchstone Pictures manage to do any of that but just focus on visual effects without giving any attention to the story, the credibility of the acting, or even if any of the cause and effect of each scene is even logical. Due to this, I think independent films (even without the major money endorsements of large corporations) are much more respected in the film community overall because they actually use their talents to write a plot and characters that stay with the viewer long after the movie ends. And personally I think meaningful films like perhaps Menace II Society and Platoon get blasted by some people for merely the extent of death and human suffering and violence and blood shown on the screen while ignoring the point of the plot: that uncontrolled anger only breeds more pain (soldiers killing civilians or thugs killing merchants and innocent bystanders in drive by shootings in the heat of anger).

What did Jane Fonda do?

She was reported to have turned in an American Prisoner of War who gave her a note to take to his family. She sat behind a North Vietnamese anti Aircraft gun suggesting that she wished American planes to be shot down. Veterans of the Vietnam Era will not forgive her.

Do they still use animal ingredients?

Mars were boycotted by PETA for 2 reasons. Firstly they sponsored some grisly animal experiments mostly upon dogs whereas the animals were injected with chocolate extracts to see if the blood vessels were affected; obviously the dogs had to suffer and die to prove the point of this absolutely pointless experiment. Secondly they were now using an animal substance extracted from Rennet (extracted from calves stomachs). This gratuitous cruelty made Mars a leader in PETAs campaign to urge us all to boycott Mars products. I am a member of PETA and since I have heard nothing to the contrary, I can only ume that the boycott continues.

Am i too young to read the Sookie Stackhouse Series?

im 14 and i've read House of Night Series and Vampire Academy, but in your opinion am i too young to read the Sookie Stackhouse Series? Plz list why. *No spoilers plz in case i do decide to read them :) Thanks!

What would you say are Brinke Stevens' best movies?

Admittedly I'm late to the party, and going through the enormously long list of her movies, I'm at a loss as to which ones would be the best to check out. So if there's any Brinke fans that frequent Yahoo Answers, I welcome all input.

Notarized form for crossing the CAN->US border alone as a minor?

This should help: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is the name of this set of written laws?

It sure sound like Hammurabi's code, but it could be Roman. Perhaps it is just a way of translating it?

Should the R/S Section of Yahoo!Answers be reformatted?

I've noticed a lot of people within the Religion and Spirituality Section of Y!A enjoy arguing a lot, especially with Christianity and Atheism. I find that both sides can make pretty good arguments, but they can only post once per question, what if Yahoo! decided to reformat the R/S Section to allow not only questions with one-timing answers, but also Chat Room questions? I think it would be interesting to see two people with totally valid points debating a question in real-time as other people either throw in their tidbits.

IPhone SDK problem with apps crashing?

I downloaded the iPhone SDK so that i can make my own iPhone apps (i own an iTouch). So, im new at this, so try to not use so big and technical words in your answers! Anyway, so i made a basic app, and i wanted to try it on my iTouch. It worked fine in the iPhone simulator. (FYI, i am NOT signed up for the $99 a month thing) I put it onto my iTouch by going into "Window" and then "Organizer" and adding it, and it shows up on my springboard. But, when i tap to run the app on my iTouch, it comes up, and then immediately crashes. Whats going on? How can i fix this? Please help!! And remember, i may not know what you are talking about if you use technical terms and such (im using youtube tutorials to help write the code, so that shows a lot, haha :) )

Is it likely my Pontiac Firebird O2 sensors are bad?

I have been chasing a mis-fire condition for about a year. I have replaced two cats three sets of plugs/wires and the ignition coils in the process. The mis-fire is finally gone, it was due to plug wires arching and damaging themselves and the ignition coils. Now the only OBD II codes I get are for Auxilery Emmisions Control, with no details. If the cat can over heat from a mis-fire can O2 sensor over heat for the same reason. Any other Ideas of what it might be, I also intermittently pull a EGR flow code. But many people tell me its probably ok. Please help.

Why aren't there any protests by gay activists for human rights for gays in Iran?

WE do fight for the Rights of gay people everywhere. It just doesn't get the media attention of other issues. Besides, we have to be careful not to spark an all out pogrom against Muslim gays.

What is your plan of action here?

While ice fishing in northern Canada, you are attacked by global warming. Right as you hook a bite, a carbon induced heat blast instantaneously melts the ice you're on, leaving you in freezing water. Global warming also, in that moment, killed your dog and changed you middle name to Francis, at you aren't concerned with that at the moment. In an unusual moment of good fortune you are rescued by two Eskimos riding a whale. Global warming had destroyed their igloos and stolen their supplies and women, so you join forces with them to get revenge on the climate changing jerk. What is your plan of action?

Do you think that gun control laws in the USA should be stricter, more lenient, or stay the same?

Personally I think they should be stricter. It would have been a lot harder for 32 people to die at Virginia Tech if the killer was trying to strangle everyone. You don't hear about kids who bring knives or baseball bats to school killing a bunch of their clmates with them. In some situations it is a good idea to own a gun. My aunt and uncle own a shotgun because they live on a ranch with a lot of rattlesnakes and coyote.

Why do straight girls go to clubs?

im a and im underage so ive never been to a club yet but everyone says that theres alot of straight girls there (not all are there with a friend), now i understand a straight friend coming with you but why would straight girls jus come to a gay club for fun, im not trying to upset anyone or be rude but im jus confused, some day when im old enough i will go for obvious reasons but y would a straight girl go, im jus curious, (at first i thought it was so guys wouldnt hit on u but in a gay club u risk girls hittin on u lol)

I have just exchanged the steering rack on me Vectra after blowing a hole in the seal?

After much headache and many wet pairs of trousers & undies I finally got it reembled, And the steering fluid level is holding at the correct mark all an annoying clunk has developed at the same time lurches in an slight upward motion and as far as I know all nuts/bolts track rods gear linkage and all engine anchor mounts are in & tightened to torque and what a job it is just to yank out the rack. Any way can any body enlighten me as to what could be potential causes in addition an engine management light accompanies the problem but I dont know if thereis any connection?

What If you fell in love with a gurl who cannot get over wtith her past?

How do we deal with a gurl who cant get over with her past relationship?! Its ridiculous right!? And to think (not for bragging) that many gurls want me... I dont know what to do man.. I just cant get closer to her because im just to shy..... well shes about my age and we have a lot in common... I always dreamed of her ever since we worked together... I never thought that it would reach like this because im the picky type guy... I think i fell for her because shes simple and especially very sweet.. I hope i can show her how much I really care for her one day....thnx guys for helpin me out.. I will be expecting great advises from you..^^

Is this normal behavior for an older brother?

Me and my older brother arent that close. We live in a typical strict asian family, my parents used to be abusive to us when we were little, but they kind of stopped. i was already a nervous reck since school starts tomorrow, i was preparing things all day. And Since im the youngest in the house i always have to obey my older brothers. I am a very stubborn girl so if i think something is unreasonable, i dont like to do it. I like to keep my pride most of the time. So all my brothers do is eat all day and tell me to wash all of their dishes, i just do that anyway because i have nothing else to do. But today there were just to many, and i thought "why do i have to pick up after them? my oldest brother tells me that i do nothing all day. I mean he doesnt watch me, he stays in his room or goes out all day." And so i told him "but they're not my dishes, they're yours and the other brothers" and then he gets really mad at starts yelling at me really loud, and he gets a wooden board and lifts it up, threatening to hit me with it. And he was serious, he has punched me in the stomach really hard before. And i started crying because i grew up being beaten by my mom and dad and seeing my brother about to hit me too was really scary, and so i was so frustrated and scared that i said "YOU'RE JUST LIKE DAD" and i ran for the phone, then he pushed me to the floor and grabbed the phone away...then he took the wooden board and smashed it into the table breaking it, NOT ONLY THAT he ORDERED me to clean it all up, along with the dishes, AND he took the trash and threw it at me telling me to clean it up. At this point i was just pissed, so i said "you ******* retard, you're just like dad" then i ran to my room just wondering, do older brothers usually do this? are they sometimes this mean? i know older siblings can be evil, but i dont know if this is like normal...

Why have White people always been narcissistic, barbaric?

Racism has always started with White people. They are the people that have invented racial slurs to use upon people that are different from them. It is the White man that has eradicated many species of animals that are now extinct and are still continuing to exterminate them. It is the White man that believed his 'kind' were the most superior group in the universe. How wrong that was. It has only been the White man that has created groups that oppress innocent human beings. It is the White man that came to Africa with greed and barbaric blood running through their veins. They then plundered the land, d the women and children, killed the men, enslaved the people, and tried forcing their own beliefs and political system in the African nations. The Africans had their own well functioning system. It was running perfectly fine. You chained the African people and brought them to land that you stole and force them to work and build America as it is now.

What's more shocking?

Never heard of Agatha Christie or never heard of Yellow Submarine or Most Beetles songs for the matter?

Opinions on type of boots for a barrel racing horse?

So, I just bought a new horse for barrel racing, as I retired my other, and want to get into some serious competition. I am considering getting her front, maybe rear, boots as a pro-cautionary measure, to help prevent injury. She doesn't seem to over-reach, or rub her legs together, but I have also only been doing rail work and large cantering figure-8s with her. I have never used boots on my horses, as I just showed 4-H in the past and never really 'pushed' them, or had one with a problem with gait. I just want to get some opinions on type of boot, should I get front and rear, and your reasoning behind it. I do have a pair of splint boots I picked up at a tack swap, but never used them. Please only answer if you have experience in speed events, thanks!

Another manga anime question? This one is urgent !!!!?

Check your local newspaper and see if they are hiring for cartoon. Viz and Tokyo Pop is in Japan,so if your american its gonna be hard.

What the word would be if the Zionism movement didn't exist ?

Like What changes in our human history would occur ? for example, I know for a fact that WWI wouldn't happened without them

Is this a decent letter of appeal for financial aid?

Ok in my winter term my professor was so monotone and it became a huge bore I did go to cl however and completed work it wasnt until maybe a week or two before term ended that I stopped going I had just been so withdrawn from school I just wasnt mentally stable. Well I went back the following term ready I really was and my mother got sick so I had to withdraw from cles all of them well needless to say my financial aid is terminated. I really want to be in school I just backslid and what could I do my mother was sick and she comes first. HELP

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why do I want a baby so much ?

You've answered the question yourself, you have very little family- you must miss love and unconditional attention. You're 16 with a long term partner, you're starting to think this may be pheasable (but it's not). You live in a B+B must be lonely? I'd concentrate on the future and try and put this idea to bed as no matter how good it seems an idea now, it just won't work out and you'll regret it later in life. There is so much to look forward to no matter how things feel at the moment.

What if you knew somebody who is going to get murdered?

What would you do? but what would you do if you got involved in with the hell's angels, chikkos,, triads,,, and they said shut up or die? oh and they own cops? How ****** would you be?

Which Perfect Game was more impressive? Dallas Braden's or Roy Halladay's?

Dallas Braden's was way better because it was on Mothers day with his grandma there and it was more emotional. And like you said, He threw it against the Rays and theyre the best in MLB. Also, the umpire for Roy Halladay was giving him strikes that were clearley .

Leg pain aches when I wake up?

Well the dehydration issue can be tested real easy, start drinking a lot of fluids during the day and see if the problem subsides. This could be anything from poor vitamin deficiency to RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). Try getting a different medical opinion.

Do any US military reserve branches offer "direct ascension" for experienced engineers, i.e. start above O-1?

Experienced medical and legal officer enlistees can start at a rank according to their experience. In my research online, it appears that this is not done for engineers. True?

Who are the 20 most famous or infamous dictators ever?

in my opinion, the 20 most famous or infamous dictators are hitler, stalin, zedong, napoleon I, mussolini, fidel castro, trujillo, francois duvalier, ho chi minh, francisco franco, saddam hussein, romanescu, ian smith, il sung, porfirio diaz, juan peron, pinochet, stroessner and vladimir lenin. these aren't in specific order by the way.

I have two very tiny Red-eared slider turtles, they're not eating and i'm not sure what to feed them?

My two turtles are tiny just barely bigger than a quarter and i think goldfish and worms would be too big for them so i'm not sure what to feed them, they don't like to eat their pellets. I'm worried I just got them and dont want them to get sick. I'm in the process of getting them a larger home (than what they came in, it was a spontaneous buy) but I don't know much about them besides they eat fishies and worms. any information helps!

Tomorrow when the war begun!!!?

It hasn't been filmed yet. They are still casting, and getting ready to film it. So I doubt an official trailer is out yet.

If my lease mentions no time frame, is it by default month to month?

precisely.if your rental payments are current and you pay the last 30 days, sending a certified 30 day letter(return receipt) should be sufficient. leave the apt. tidy and you'll have no issues. you'll be needing his reference someday when you're renting elsewhere. if you treat him the way you'd like to be treated(weasel or not),life should be good.

Big problem in the uk?

who here feels the same? i have worked in a bakery for the past 10 years and till about 4 years ago it was only english workers there. since 4 years ago it has been polish workers who demand everything be translated into polish, we learn polish cos they wont learn english and many other things that annoy me. my boss hires them because they r cheaper than english workers. i HATE working alongside them they blabber off in polish and then laugh at u and it really annoys me. i dont want to leave b/c i like it there. i know none of you can give me ideas of how to get rid of them (unless anyone has an i idea how i can make a set up for one of the and get them fired!) but justwonderingg if anyone feels the same about them coming to our country and opening their shops everywhere, taking all our jobs and almost running the country. any comments are welcome. (even if you are pro-polish being here!)

Volunteering in India - bookkeeping or accountancy for some charity?

For any work, paid or unpaid you will need a work visa. A quick search on the web and I am sure you could find plenty of charities and NGOs, just contact them directly with your cv, however the savings they would make by employing you (unpaid) will be minimal and may not e worth their while to obtain a work visa/permit, but you never know until you try. Good luck

Was she just letting me down nicely?

Sounds like you should hang in there if you're interested in her. See if she wants to hang out here and there, if so, then I think you should be patient and wait a while and see what happens.

Senate apologizes for slavery. How did Democrat Senator Ku Klux Klan member Robert Byrd vote on that?

And I apologize to every child born that had a rotten mom because I am a female...enough, we owe them squat.

Man drives by a farm and sees a chicken with four legs?

Fast little chicadee huh? Faster than a speeding PULLET. Able to leap tall buildings with a single FLAP. BUT, can't stop a locomotive with a single SPLAT.

Can weed be smoked from a hookah or shisha pipe?

does anyone have any experience with this and if they do then do you have any advice? (i know the health risks im not stupid so please don't bother me with your anti-weed comments thanks)

Dragon age origins what spells should i pick?

i was thinking of using my mage to be a complete power house like taking every thing in primal also i would get achivement so yay i would go lightning then frost then fire then earth should i change anything also i want to know what skills to use i was thinking mage and willpower cos these spells would eat away at my mana alot thanks.

Is this yet another life to be added to the lis of those taken by AGW?

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What Graphics card should I get for under $200 dollars?

radeon 5770 should be pretty good and if u have at least a 450 powersupply you can play the latest games on about high medium settings

Looking for Black Ops friends.?

I am looking for people to play black ops with on xbox 360. I use hupit gaming to find teams a lot, but it can be difficult to find a full team from there. I would like to have more people on my friends list so that I will always have people online who are usually willing to play. I love playing objective games, as well as spawn trapping. However, I also play tdm. My gamertag is AlaskanGangster. Leave your gamertag in the answers or send me a friend request online.

One of my hamsters died and i don't know why please help?

I'm sorry for your loss. I would call the petstore and let them know what happened. Hamsters do fight with one another even if they are brothers. Its possilbe they had a tiff. Did you notice if its tail was wet. That is called wet tail and it will kill them if not treated.

How to play the no talking game?

I just read the book no talking by Andrew clement i was wondering how to play the game how many words can i say and am i aloud to talk to my brother using three words or is it just to answer my parents and teachers? Doi have to pause in between three words? p.s my rother is playing the game to or trying to please help

Could I be a model, what do you think?

Modeling's a LOT about looks, and conforming to an ideal that doesn't naturally exist... but it's also about personality. If it's what you want, go for it. Even if it doesn't work out, or you changed your mind - at least you gave it a shot and you won't have to wonder. Better to regret something you've done, than regret not doing anything at all.